Our Exceptional Services

Underwater Inspections

Bottom Inspections

Hull bottoms are rarely seen unless the boat is out of the water. Fouling and damage can go unseen without proper inspection. Our divers will dive beneath the vessel and inspect the hull and running gear and provide a detailed report as to its condition.

Recovery of Lost Items

As boaters, we have all at one time or another dropped something overboard while at the dock. These items range from keys, phones, cameras, jewelry, electronics, tools, even anchors and chains. A lot of these items have great value and would be hard to replace. Also, some of these items could be hazardous to the environment or navigation. Our divers can come out to your location and search the area where any of these items may have fallen, search, and recover them.

Underwater Photography

Our divers are very cable underwater photographers. Should you want photographs of your vessels bottom and running gear, docks, seawalls, or condition of the bottom where your vessel is located, we have you covered.


Contact us today for a quote.

(954) 799 7272

Escape to the Blue Horizon With a Clean Hull

We put the shine back in your boat with our cleaning services